Effect of the Alpinia Zerumbet oil on the Hypertonia of Children with Cerebral Palsy

Effect of the Alpinia Zerumbet oil on the Hypertonia of Children with Cerebral Palsy
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autores por Claudia Alcântara de Torre, Gabriela Marasca, Miucha Gomes, Gisele Ladick, Ariane Franzese and Raquel de Paula Carvalho


The Alpinia Zerumbet oil acts on contractility of muscles decreasing tonus. Hypertonia is common in individuals with Cerebral Palsy (CP). This study aims to investigate if the dermal local application of Alpinia Zerumbet oil can decrease the neural hypertonia in individuals with CP.

Cerebral Palsy (CP) comprises a group of disorders in the development of posture and movement, causing limitation of activities due to non-progressive disorders that occurred in the brain in the fetal period or childhood. Motor disorders are often accompanied by sensory, cognitive, perceptual, communicative and behavioral disorders, as well as epilepsy and secondary musculoskeletal problems.

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